Ocean County Library Toms River Branch Presents “Cattus Island County Park: Living Shoreline Project”

July 01, 2022

TOMS RIVER – The Ocean County Library Toms River Branch will host Cattus Island County Park’s live presentation, “Living Shoreline Project,” 6 PM Thursday, July 14.

The presentation will cover the benefits of a living shoreline and its physical, ecological, and financial impacts to the surrounding areas.

The goal of the Living Shoreline Project is to restore critical waterfront portions of Cattus Island County Park, to address significant erosion, and to prevent extreme wetlands and habitat loss in the Barnegat Bay.

Some areas of the park have lost more than 300 feet of terrain over the past 85 years. The erosion is expected to increase over time if the shoreline, especially the northeast peninsula known as “Page’s Point,” is not stabilized.

Registration is required for this free program at the Branch, 101 Washington Street. Sign up and see more details at www.theoceancountylibrary.org/events or call (732) 349-6200.

Keep up with Library programs and events at www.theoceancountylibrary.org, and on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Spotify, and Pinterest.

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